While the CDC states that “there is no evidence to suggest that handling food or consuming food is associated with COVID-19,” the need for added safety precautions, especially around foodservice, during these uncertain times is essential. Two ways to make foodservice safer and more convenient include stocking products that are individually wrapped and ensuring those products are shelf stable. Here’s why that’s important:

Individually Wrapped Items

When it comes to avoiding the spread of COVID-19, reducing direct contact with food items provides added safety and reassurance. Not only do individually wrapped products keep food items untouched before the time they’re opened, but these products also eliminate the need for any added preparation steps from foodservice workers. When items are pre-baked and not frozen, they can easily be distributed for snacks, meals in the classroom or grab-and-go solutions without the need for additional prep.

Extended Shelf Life

With the start of school comes continued uncertainty of schedules and attendance numbers, making it difficult to determine how much food will be needed on any given day. The shelf life of food items becomes more important as foodservice plans are adjusted. When food products have a longer shelf life, this leads to less waste, improved cost savings and less stress on foodservice workers when it comes to managing inventory and re-ordering products.

Keeping these considerations in mind will help ensure a safer and more seamless foodservice program as the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Learn more about the Darlington Snacks products that are affordable, available, and reliable thanks to our increased production efforts in the face of COVID-19.